Some applications (including consumer electronics), require additional memory or storage spaces. For such applications, sticking to the limited storage space offered by most memory types is not the ideal way to keep most of the data in-house.
It is therefore, imperative to use an advanced memory type that matches these applications’ use cases. The MR5A16ACMA35 is an example of a bigger memory for such devices. This article explains everything you need to know about it.
What is a Memory?
A “memory” is a type of embeddable semiconductor device added into an electronic product in the form of an Integrated Circuit (IC). Once embedded, the device helps to collect, distribute and store data on the device.
Depending on the type of application or consumer electronics, the memory type used might differ. While some of these devices may work better with smaller storage spaces, others would need a bigger or a higher storage format.
Most electronic devices are going with the former and that is the reason why the MR5A16ACMA35 has been manufactured. It is a type of memory that offers bigger or advanced storage spaces.
The Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory Powers MR5A16ACMA35
One of the core attributes of MR5A16ACMA35 is the type of memory-centric technology that it uses. The name is the Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM).
According to Wikipedia, MRAM is a “type of non-volatile random-access memory which stores data in magnetic domains.”
The MRAM has been highlighted in many quarters to be a better memory type for most consumer electronics and for good reasons too.
With this memory architecture, one can be sure that the storage and transfer of data in the MR5A16ACMA35 wouldn’t be an issue.
MR5A16ACMA35’s Features
The memory-centric technology of MRAM aside, what are some of the additional features that make MR5A16ACMA35? We have made a list of some of them below:
1. Data Volatility and Endurance
If a memory used in configuring a consumer electronic must be reliable, it has to prove its usability over an extended time.
MR5A16ACMA35 proves to meet that demand because of the non-volatile memory design and the additional endurance. Typically, it can retain stored data for up to 20 years.
2. Fast Data Reading and Unlimited Endurance
The speed of reading the data is important. MR5A16ACMA35 can read the same faster because of the support for the 35 nanoseconds (ns) read and write cycle, which is compatible with the SRAM memory type.
The speed of reading and writing the data can also be up to 45 nanoseconds (ns) if it were to be used with the automotive temperature range.
Just like the reading and writing data speed is fast, MR5A16ACMA35 also supports unlimited endurance of the memory. That way, the data reading and writing can be done as many times as possible.
3. MR5A16ACMA35 Supports Several Temperature Ranges
The temperature ranges used by a memory align with the applications, use cases or target devices. Since it supports memory provision for multiple devices, MR5A16ACMA35 has also provided multiple temperature ranges to meet the configurations.
The major temperature ranges supported here are:
- Automotive temperature ranges
- Commercial temperature ranges
- Industrial temperature ranges
Thus, this memory can be used to program commercial, automotive and industrial devices and applications.
4. Typical Applications are Data-Centric
No doubt that one of the major functions of a memory semiconductor device or IC is to read, write and enable the transfer or wireless information/data.
Yet, some memory types are superior than the others, in terms of the data transfer process and how effective the storage process is.
MR5A16ACMA35 is ideal for the applications or devices that have more needs for memory. These are the applications that need the IC to store the data for a longer time. Through MR5A16ACMA35’s 20-year data endurance and the non-volatility, it potentially stores data for a longer time – and sometimes, permanently.
Longer data storage time is not the only consideration to make here. It is also imperative to make sure that the wireless information/data is retrievable in the shortest time possible.
MR5A16ACMA35 can facilitate data access in the real-time, thereby, enabling the applications to retrieve both relevant programs and critical data quickly.
5. MR5A16ACMA35 is Industry-Standard-Compliant
MR5A16ACMA35’s configuration follows most of the relevant industry compliances. Examples are the meeting the Moisture Sensitivity Level-3 (MSL-3) requirements and the compliance of the packages with the RoHS.
MR5A16ACMA35 is yet to be AEC Q-100 certified or qualified.
6. MR5A16ACMA35 has a Fault-Tolerant Design
As much as we expect a memory to be specific about how it reads, writes and enables data transfer; it is also pertinent to take cognizance of the faulty chances.
MR5A16ACMA35 simplifies the entire “fault-tolerant design” by integrating several measures to keep the data safe. An example of such a measure is the internal single bit correction code, which is equipped with 7 ECC Parity Bits. These bits are enabled for every 64 bits of data.
7. MR5A16ACMA35 Offers an Improved Data Reliability
It is one thing for a memory device or IC to read and write data and it is another thing for the same to enhance the reliability of the entire process. MR5A16ACMA35 does both.
The data reliability stems from the improved design, as enshrined in the Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM). This is a better replacement for the SRAM.
Aside from replacing the SRAM memory architecture with the MRAM, MR5A16ACMA35 also improves the data retention process. Unlike SRAM that relies on battery to keep the data retained, MR5A16ACMA35 seeks a different means. With it, data can be retained even when there is power loss on the IC.
What’s more? It uses the low-voltage inhibit circuitry to prevent data writing, especially when the voltage is out of specification.
Concluding Thoughts
MR5A16ACMA35 makes memory usage in commercial, industrial and automotive devices easy, as the wireless information/data can now be written, read and transmitted with ease. As a better replacement for the SRAM memory architecture, MR5A16ACMA35’s MRAM memory technology also serves as a one-size-fits-all, thus, replacing the BBSRAM, FLASH, EEPROM, and the NVSRAM memory types.