The core competency of PROTO PCB is the assembly of PCB prototypes.

The main objectives of the PROTO PCB are saving time for the customers and providing them with efficient solutions for the R&D cycle PCBA prototyping phase.
The company has been operational since 2014. The company has no parallel when it comes to modern services that exceed the client’s ambitions.
The Vision Of PROTO PCB: Accelerating The Prototype Phase
The prototyping phase is important for the initial manufacturing of every product before the initialization of mass production with the help of electronics manufacturing subcontractor (or EMS). Different experiments are being conducted to develop user-friendly technologies with the help of this procedure.
The company is on a mission to reduce the lead time for the. The quotation is delivered in 5-10 minutes at most. The commitment of the company from its customers is to execute a prototyping phase which is more time-saving than the PCBA prototyping phase without any technical errors.
Importing Electronic Components PROTO PCB Website
The company is important to consider for prototype production for the customers and also by saving time in R&D procedure. The company also relies on BOMs for the smooth importation of electronic components for different projects of clients.
Basic Steps
Searching for components
For the customers who import BOM for themselves with the help of Proto-Electronics, the algorithm first detects the order whether it is available or not. The main suppliers of the company are Farnell, Digikey, MouseR, and RS. If the product is available on the platform, the algorithm will render you all the affordable costs all at once.
How Does It Work?
Preparation of imports
The system is supportive of spreadsheet types of files like Excel. So that the users can describe what technical parts are needed for an effortless ordering and delivery process. After the compilation of the file, it is important to follow the steps below rendered by this system.
Import of Automated component
The ‘import a BOM’ button is for easy importing of the file. After that, a window will open that says to authorize your import method.
- Send the file to initiate the process of importation.
- The file format must be supportive of .xls, .xlsx, or .csv.
- Browse and upload the file.
- Copy / paste it from the spreadsheet.
Imports of Manual single
The customers can manually mention the desired parts without the process of importing. This method is viable for mentioning one or more parts after the user has successfully imported the BOM file. The “Add a reference” button is for the manual addition of the parts. After that, the customer has to select one of the two options below:
- by manufacturer reference or supplier reference (SKU)
The next step is to carefully mention the references, which include the supplier if adding using SKUs), as well as the number of components per board.
- Fill in the fields on the window and enter “Run the search.”
- If the system confirms the availability and quantity of the mentioned parts, then the customer’s job is to click “Add this component.”
- If the system does not confirm the availability and quantity, then it is better to have a look at the description and the datasheet for the component.
- If the product is detected with the help of these factors, then the user will click a button saying “Select this component” so that they can add the desired component will get included in the list.
- The best part is that all the products are cost-efficient and affordable so that all the users can have equal access to these important parts for themselves in a hustle-free manner.
Valid statuses
It is important to check the valid statuses and if they are green, so it means you have successfully ordered the components which are not only available and valid but are accurately budgeted as well.
- Customer supply: You need to send the ordered components to the Proto-Electronics platform.
- Quote: It shows that the component is present in the stock, but it was entered manually.
- Availability: It says that the component is not only available but was ordered through the search algorithm.
Error statuses
One of the important error statuses is the indication of statuses of orange or red colors, which tells that the component is not available in the stock. It can also impact the cost of the component as well.
- Incorrect Ref / Unknown Ref: This means that the reference is not available as well. In this case, it is suitable to demand a quote and also the supply component if the entered reference is accurate.
- Incorrect designator: This occurs when the designator contains special and invalid characters.
- Confirmed Ref.: The user has to validate the search to proceed further with the steps.
- Packaging: The desired package does not fit with the particular prototype.
- Insufficient stock: The stock is on below than average level, which might include the ordered components as well.
- Awaiting quote: The website of will immediately serve the quote to the user after the rectification of server-related problems.
- Re-validated: In case of any modification, it is important to re-validate the order for the system.
Why Prefer And Choose PROTO PCB For Your PCB Needs?

1. Fast quote
For a quote, log in to the website and then search for the PCB components and set the quantity of the pieces to import the BOM file. You will get the quote in 5-10 minutes maximum.
2. PCBA prototypes online
The company has received over 9000 orders, and the consumer base is attractive as well. The team is based on 30-32 employees and operates from Europe in the field of PCBA prototypes.
3. Express deliveries
The user can select the delivery time themselves, which has a range of 5-20 working days. Other factors which are important to consider are components reception, assembly, controls, and shipment.