MT41K256M16TW-107 is a DRAM memory format powered by the SDRAM DDR3L technology. In this article, we discuss how this technology influences this memory’s performance.
The Differential Data Strobes
The data Strobes used here is called the Differential Data Strobes. It is represented by either the DQS# or the DQS.
The function of the Strobes is to enable the interfacing of the WRITEs, especially in terms of data aligning.
First, the Differential Data Strobes makes an external transmission, followed by the data. The transmission is designed for use with the data to be captured at the DDR3 SDRAM Input receiver.
Have in mind that the Differential Data Strobes makes a center-alignment with the data for the WRITEs.
In this instance, the read data is to be transmitted or transferred by the DDR3 SDRAM. To ensure that the data transmission is excellent, the read data would have to be edge-aligned to the Differential Data Strobes.
MT41K256M16TW-107 Uses Dual Operating Temperatures
The operating temperatures used here cut across industrial and automotive applications. It is expedient to point out that unlike the common trend of having the temperature exceeding the maximum rating, measures are already in place to prevent that from happening on the MT41K256M16TW-107.
First, the automotive operating temperature is pegged between -40˚C and 105˚C maximum. However, as a way of preventing the temperature from exceeding the aforementioned rating, MT41K256M16TW-107 has been optimized along the lines of the Micron specifications.
These are specifications exclusive to the memory semiconductor devices manufactured by industry-leader, Micron Technology Incorporated. Based on these specifications, the automotive operating temperature is not expected to go beyond the rating, but that can further be enhanced with the requirements.
Among many other things, the Micron specifications spelt out that the refresh rate up to 4X can be deployed when the TC goes above 95˚C.
On the other hand, the industrial operating temperature is between -40˚C and 95˚C. Unlike the automotive operating temperature dependence on the Micron specifications, the industrial operating temperature depends on the JEDEC specifications.
As per the specifications, the JEDEC specifications see to the application of a refresh rate that doubles when the TC goes above the 85˚C operating temperature.
MT41K256M16TW-107 Offers Burst-Oriented READ and WRITE Access
MT41K256M16TW-107 supports the use of a burst-oriented READ and WRITE format for accessing the content inside the DDR3 SDRAM. The process typically starts with the registration of an ACTIVATE command, to be followed by either the READ or the WRITE command.
For an excellent READ and WRITE process, MT41K256M16TW-107 further expands on how the processes are to be implemented.
On one hand, we have the address bits that are registered coincident with the ACTIVATE command used to select the row and the bank to be accessed inside the DDR3 SDRAM.
On another hand, we have the address bits that have coincided with the READ and the WRITE commands. These address bits are primarily used to select both the starting column location and the bank to be used for the burst access.
The DDR3L SDRAM Architecture
MT41K256M16TW-107 uses the DDR3L SDRAM, a lower voltage variant of the DDR3 memory. It is used because a majority of the applications or devices supported with are low-power devices, so it makes sense to use a corresponding memory type to support that performance.
Advantages of the DDR3L SDRAM Technology
This is a type of non-volatile memory technology used to bolster MT41K256M16TW-107’s performance in many ways.
The major advantage is the speedy transmission of data; a feature enabled by the DDR3L SDRAM’s burst-oriented READ and WRITE access.
These are the additional benefits:
1. Dual Voltage Capability
Although it is a low-voltage variant of the DDR3 memory, the DDR3L doesn’t slack in terms of the supported voltage.
The DDR3 memory is known to support one voltage format and that is the 1.5V. On the contrary, the DDR3L memory can offer an improved voltage. It inherits the DDR3 memory standard, which includes the default 1.5 volts of voltage standard. It then incorporates the “low-voltage” standard by supporting the 1.35V – the lower variant of the DDR3’s 1.5V.
Despite the dual voltage capability, there is a limit to how much the duality on MT41K256M16TW-107’s DDR3 memory can be used. For example, the dual voltage design doesn’t always work with specific devices, especially the devices based on the fourth-generations of the Intel Core processors.
Those systems only support one voltage-mode and as such, wouldn’t work efficiently when combining both the 1.35 low-voltage and the 1.5V high-voltage in the same device. The 1.35V is preferred most of the time.
2. Temperature Refreshing
Ever seen a memory that optimizes the performance by refreshing the temperature? The MT41K256M16TW-107 does! It is a memory type that supports the self-refreshing of the Operating Temperature, especially when the temperature begins to go above the predefined rating.
3. Excellent Thermal Performance
Both power or current consumption and heat dissipation are effectively managed on the MT41K256M16TW-107 DDR3L memory.
This support for dual thermal performance is one of the memory’s attributes of keeping the power/current consumption at the barest minimum, while ensuring that too much heat doesn’t escape from the circuit.
4. The On-Die Termination
Certain components are used with a memory to improve the functionality. The one used for the MT41K256M16TW-107 is the On-Die Termination or ODT.
It is a feature that enables the DRAM to either turn on or off and to either disable or enable the termination resistance of the DM, DQ, DQS and DQS#. The consideration is made ahead of the x4 and x8 configurations.
One of the major benefits of using the On-Die Termination (ODT) is that it helps to improve the signal integrity of the memory channel. The signal integrity’s improvement is enabled by the independent turning on and off of the DRAM’s internal termination resistance.
Final Words
MT41K256M16TW-107 helps to improve the signal reliability of the target devices via the On-Die Termination (ODT) that extends the operation to an independent activation and deactivation of the internal termination resistance for any of the DRAM device’s groupings.
It is also a reliable memory used for optimizing the Intel Core applications and devices, without having to use excessive power to drive the performances of these devices.