Xilinx introduced the highly-flexible programmable QPro XQR17V16 series. This series offers a cost-effective and easy-to-use method to store large bitstreams. Xilinx is a well-known company that designs FPGAs and programmable SoCs for different applications. The devices designed by this company are ideal for use in several industries.
Memory is a crucial component of the field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) utilized in wireless devices. Therefore, the PROMs are one of the memory additions for FPGA configuration. The QPro XQR17V16 series offers high-end programmable logic solutions. It is one of the most popular series developed by Xilinx. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss it more.
Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series – What is it?
The QPro XQR17V16 features a storage capacity of 16 Mbt. Therefore, this device can function in a byte-wide or serial mode. The QPro XQR17V16 series is radiation-hardened. This device is specifically designed on Xilinx QML certified manufacturing lines. PROMs offer the lowest cost per Mb for FPGA configuration storage.
QPro XQR17V16 produces a configuration clock that triggers the PROM. This happens when the FPGA is in Master Serial mode. Data displays on the PROM DATA output pin linked to the FPGA DIN pin. Also, the FPGA produces the right number of clock pulses needed to complete the configuration.
The PROM disables, once the FPGA configures. An incoming signal needs to clock the FPGA and the PROM. This is important when the FPGA is in Slave Serial mode. The FPGA produces the configuration clock that drives the FPGA and PROM. This happens anytime the FPGA is in Master SelectMAP mode.
Data becomes available on the PROMs DATA (D0-D7) pins after the CCLK edge rises. Furthermore, an incoming signal must clock the FPGA and the PROM. This is important whenever the FPGA is in Slave SelectMAP mode. A free running oscillator can drive the CCLK.
You can connect many devices by utilizing the CEO output to drive the CE input of the next device. Also, the DATA outputs and clock inputs of PROMs in this chain are well-interconnected. All devices can be fully cascaded with other devices in the family.
Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 complies with the IEEE1532 interface. Therefore, designers can program and test them using existing equipment. Designers can program several designs into a single PROM. Also, one PROM can support several FPGAs in a daisy-chain configuration. Therefore, this leads to reduced component costs and part count.
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Pin Description of Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series
There are several pins on the Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series. Each of these pins has its unique functions. These pins contribute to the following.
This refers to the Chip Enable Output. The CEO is specifically connected to the CE input of the PROM. The CEO is low when the OE and CE inputs are active. Also, the output will be low when the Internal Address Counter increments more than its TC value. The TC value means Terminal Count value. Therefore, when the PROM reads, CEO will go along with CE if OE remains active. It is important to know that OE can be active-Low or active-High.
The RESET/OE is another important pin of the Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series. When the RESET/OE is high, the input keeps the address counter reset. Also, the DATA output is in a high-impedance state. The input pin polarity is programmable as OE/RESET or RESET/OE. The address counter is “0” when RESET is active. This puts the DATA output in a state of high impedance.
The preferred option of the device is active-Low RESET. However, the device default is active-High RESET. This is because it can connect to a pullup resistor and the FPGAs INIT pin. Furthermore, the programmer interface controls the polarity of this pin. The Xilinx HW-130 programmer helps to invert the input pin. However, there are different ways third-party programmers invert this pin.
The Vpp is the programming voltage. This pin doesn’t allow overshoot beyond the specified maximum voltage. You must connect this pin to Vcc for normal read operation. Otherwise, this will result in temperature-dependent operation. Also, it can lead to severe issues in circuit debugging. It is dangerous to leave the Vpp floating. Therefore, avoid this.
This pin can disable the internal address counter when it is high. Also, the CE will put the DATA output in a state of high impedance. It will make the device forcefully go into low-lcc standby mode.
Every rising edge on the CLK input increases the internal address counter. This happens when OE and CE are both active.
If this pin isn’t floating, the user has to program the BUSY bit. This will make this pin to be internally attached to a pull-down resistor. Output data holds when the BUSY pin is high. When the pin becomes low, the data output will continue.
DATA [0:7]
When OE or CE isn’t active, data output is in a state of high impedance. The D0 pin is I/O during the programming. OE can either be active Low or active High.
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How the FPGA Master Serial Mode Works
A configuration program establishes the logic and I/O functions of the CLB and their interconnections. This program loads in command or automatically. However, this depends on the condition of the three FPGA mode pins. The FPGA loads the configuration program automatically from an external memory. This happens in the Master Serial mode. The PROMs are specifically designed to be compatible with this mode.
If powered-up or reconfigured, an FPGA goes into the Master Serial mode. Also, this happens when all three FPGA mode select pins are Low. Data is sequentially read form the PROM on a single data line. The rising edge of the CCLK provides synchronization generated during configuration.
The Master Serial Mode offers a simple interface for configuration. For an FPGA configuration, a serial data line, a clock, and two control lines are vital. Data from PROM sequentially read. Also, you can access data through the bit counters and internal address.
The dual-function DIN pin on the FPGA must be at a defined level during normal operation. This is important if the pin is used for configuration only. The on-chip default pull-down/up resistor will automatically take care of this.
How to Cascade Configuration PROMs
The cascaded PROMS offer additional memories. These memories are ideal for several FPGAs that need bigger configuration memories. The next clock signal to the PROM declares its CEO output Low after reading the last bit from the first PROM. Also, this disables its DATA line.
The address counters of cascaded PROMS will reset after completing the configuration. However, this happens when the FPGA program pin becomes Low. Anytime CE is high, the PROM goes into a low-power standby mode. The output will be in a state of high impedance irrespective of the OE input.
How to Connect the FPGA device with the PROM
- For serial mode, the PROM’s D[O] output(s) drives the Din input of the FPGA device.
- The PROM’s CEO output drives the next PROM’s CE input.
- For parallel mode, the PROM’s D[0-7] outputs drive the D[0-7] data inputs.
- Connect the PROM CE input to the DONE pin of the FPGAs. Also, CE can be permanently Low. However, this makes the DATA output active. Therefore, it results in an unnecessary supply of 15 mA maximum.
- The FPGA’s CCLK pin must connect to the PROM’s CLK input. The external clock source connection is necessary when all FPGAs are presently in a slave configuration mode. Also, only an FPGA is in a master configuration mode when you use a master configuration mode. Therefore, the clock signal is driven by the master mode. Other FPGAs will remain in a slave configuration mode.
- SelectMAP mode works like the Slave Serial mode. The DATA clocks out of the PROM one byte for each CCLK.
- The INIT output of the FPGA should drive the RESET/OE input of all PROMs. Therefore, this connection guarantees that the PROM address counter resets before any reconfiguration.
Application Field of Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series
The Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series offers an easy-to-use method for saving up large configuration bitstreams. Therefore, this makes it an ideal option in several applications. Many applications depend on the performance of identical operations. That is the ability to configure the CLB of an FPGA into identical processing blocks.
The configuration PROM is an ideal solution for FPGAs. Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series have proved to be very effective in several applications. These applications include:
Internet of Things (IoT)
The IoT refers to physical objects embedded with software and sensors that exchange data with other devices. IoTs are several physical devices that are now connected to the internet. However, for these devices to function as expected, they need to store data. Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series plays a significant role in this application. IoT enables physical devices to communicate with other devices. Configuration PROMs and FPGAs are of great importance in this application.
Medical Equipment
FPGAs play a crucial role in the development of medical equipment. The Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series stores large and multiple bitstreams. FPGAs need to go through a configuration process. The QPro XQR17V16 series enables the configuration of FPGAs. Also, doctors can diagnose with electric patient information via FPGA enabled equipment. With the use of PROM, engineers can design equipment for several medical applications.
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Consumer Electronics
FPGAs perform several logical operations. They consist of built-in RAM. Therefore, this enables them to execute digital signal processing functions. However, the constant need for memory storage results in the design of QPro XQR17V16. A good number of consumer electronics rely on FPGAs to function.
Artificial Intelligence
QPro XQR17V16 offers the lowest cost per Mb for FPGA configuration storage. FPGAs enable reconfigurations and help to keep up with modifications. Also, this minimizes any long term maintenance cost for a system. PROM helps to implement functions with a large number of outputs and inputs.
Wireless Technology
FPGA chips are widely used in wireless and wired communications. These chips are used for addressing standards of HSPDA and 5G/6G. Also, they are widely used in cellular base-stations. In addition, FPGAs are available in high-end 5G base stations. The Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series is crucial in the performance of wireless technology. This device helps to achieve real-time data processing.
Defense and Space Applications
Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series allow RADARS in defense systems to accomplish mission success. In space, FPGAs help the transmission of data from ground to space unit. For example, FPGA is ideally used for radar imaging.
Cloud computing
The Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 series plays a vital role in cloud computing applications. This application uses off-site systems to store and manage information in a computer. Also, cloud computing uses software or hardware off-site accessed for computing needs. FPGA devices feature the greatest BRAM density. Also, these devices can offer the connectivity that accelerates data processing on chip.
More Facts About Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series
The Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 has 16,777,216 configuration bits. The devices in the QPro XQR17V16 series can be programmed on programmers by Xilinx. Also, the user must use the appropriate programming algorithm. Otherwise, this can damage the device permanently.
The Vpp must connect to Vcc during normal read operation. Furthermore, the device needs the Vcc power supply to rise from OV to nominal voltage. The polarity of the QPro XQR17V16 RESET/OE is programmable.
If the BUSY pin is inactive during a rising CLK edge, new DATA will appear. However, if the BUSY pin is active during a rising CLK edge, there is no change to DATA.
The Master Serial Mode offers a simple interface for configuration. For an FPGA configuration, a serial data line, a clock, and two control lines are needed. Data from PROM sequentially read. Also, Data can be accessed through the bit counters and internal address.
The PROM goes into a low-power standby mode anytime CE is high. Also, the output is in a state of high impedance irrespective of the OE input‘s state. The FPGA produces the configuration clock that drives the FPGA and PROM. This happens anytime the FPGA is in Master SelectMAP mode.
Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series Devices
XQR17V16-CC44V XQR17V16VQ44R XQR17V16CC44M
XQR17v16CC44N XQR17V16CC44V XQR17V16CC44R
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Features of XQR17V16-CC44V
The XQR17V16-CC44V is one of the Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series. This device has got exceptional features like:
- Dual configuration modes
- 3V supply voltage
- It has 20 year life data retention
- Supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- Has a storage capacity of 16Mb
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
- It has dual configuration modes
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- It has a simple interface to the Xilinx QPro FPGAs
Features of XQR17V16VQ44R
The XQR17V16VQ44R belongs to the Xilinx QPro XQR17V16 Series. This device comes with great features. Also, it is an easy-to-use method for storing large FPGA bitstreams.
- It has dual configuration modes
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
- It has 20 year life data retention
- 3V supply voltage
- Also, it has 16 Mbtstorage capacity
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate\
- It has a simple interface to the Xilinx QPro FPGAs
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Dual configuration modes
- Supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
Features of XQR17V16CC44M
The XQR17V16CC44M features two different configuration modes and 16 Mb storage capacity. Also, it has got additional features like:
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- Has 16 Mbt storage capacity
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Dual configuration modes
- 3V supply voltage
- Also, it has 20 year life data retention
- Supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- Also, it guarantees 20-yearlife data retention
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate
- It has dual configuration modes
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
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Features of XQR17V16CC44N
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- Has 16 Mbt storage capacity
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- It has 20 year life data retention
- Also, it supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Dual configuration modes
- 3V supply voltage
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
Features of XQR17V16CC44V
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- Has 16 Mbt storage capacity
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- It has 20 year life data retention
- Dual configuration modes
- 3V supply voltage
- Also, it supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- It has a simple interface to the Xilinx QPro FPGAs
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate
- It has dual configuration modes
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
Features of XQR17V16CC44R
- Comes with TID of 50 kRad(Si) for each spec 1019.5
- Also, it features dual configuration modes
- 3V supply voltage
- It has 20 year life data retention
- Supports the ISE WebPACK software packages or ISE Foundation
- Designed on Epitaxial substrate
- It is ideal for storing several or longer bitstreams
- Also, it comes in ceramic CK44 packages
- Has 16 Mbt storage capacity
- It has a simple interface to the Xilinx QPro FPGAs
- Also, the serial configuration is about 33 Mb/s
- It features low-power CMOS floating-gate process
- Also, it has OTP read-only memory for storing configuration bitstreams of FPGA devices
- Leading programmer supports its programming
- Also, it comes with Latch-Up Immune to LET
- It has dual configuration modes
- Also, the programmable reset polarity is compatible with several different FPGA solutions
The QPro XQR17V16 family has got great features. Therefore, it is ideal for most applications that use FPGA. This radiation hardened QML configuration PROMs is a great means to store FPGA configuration bitstream. The Xilinx ISE WebPACK or ISE foundation software compiles the FPGA file into a Hex format. This is suitable for device programming. This file is then transferred to PROM programmers. Also, there are different pins on the QPro XQR17V16. These pins play a significant role in the functionality of QPro XQR17V16.