The Xilinx Spartan and the Spartan-XL FPGA families offer a FPGA solution with high-volume production, which provides all the major requirements for all ASIC replacements with 40,000 gates possible. The FPGA here means Field Programmable Gate Arrays. The requirements here include on-chip RAM, high performance, core prices and solutions, XCS05 approach, and in majority of cases, you can liken them to ASIC devices that have undergone mask programming.
With the streamlining of the feature set of the Spartan series, as well as leveraging process technologies and then focusing on the management of total cost, this Spartan series offers the main features necessary for ASIC as well as other logic users of high-volume while avoiding long cycles of development, initial cost, as well as conventional ASICs’ inherent risk.
Spartan series Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are implemented using a programmable, flexible, regular, architecture of CLBs (Configurable Logic Blocks), with interconnection done by a strong hierarchy of routing channels (routing resources), and with programmable IOBs (input and output blocks surrounding it. Furthermore, they possess routing resources which help in accommodating interconnect patterns that are most complex.
You can customize the devices by loading the configuration data to the internal memory cells. Also, you can re-program so many times; there’s no limit to this. Whatever values are present in the memory cells helps in determining the interconnections and logic functions the FPGA implements. Furthermore, the FPGA can either read the configuration data actively from an serial PROM (external), or from the external device, you can write the configuration data in the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA).
General Overview of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families
The Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families are useful where it is necessary to adapt the hardware to several user applications. Also, FPGAs are great for the development and shortening design cycles. Furthermore, they provide a low-cost solution for rates of production far above 50,000 systems each month.
In addition, the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families devices offer low-cost, high-performance operation via using advanced semiconductor and architecture technology. Also, the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families devices offer rates for system clocks surpassing 80 MHz, as well as an internal performance as high as 150 MHz.
In comparison with other similar FPGA devices, this Spartan series provides the best cost-effective solution coupled with the maintenance of leading-edge performance. Asides from the benefit of programmable, high-volume logic solutions, these FPGAs also provide edge-triggered on-chip dual-port and single-port RAM, the clock functions on all fast carry logic, flip-flops, as well as many additional features.
Furthermore, the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families leverage the XC4000 architecture, which is known to be a very successful XC4000 with a good number of benefits and features of that family. The derivation of advancements in technology is from the process developments of the XC4000XLA.
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Logic Functional Description of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families
The Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families utilize a standard structure for the FPGA. This FPGA is made up of an arrangement of CLBs (configurable logic blocks), which are placed into a routing channels’ matrix. In addition, the signals’ output and input is achievable via some IOBs (input and output blocks). This is possible by the formation of a ring round the routing channels and CLBs.
- CLBs offer those functional elements necessary for the implementation of the logic of the user.
- Also, IOBs offer the interface in-between the signal lines (internal) and the package pins.
- In addition, the routing channels offer paths that aid the interconnection of the outputs and inputs of the IOBs and CLBs.
The customization of each circuit board’s functionality is possible when configuration occurs by the programming of the internal memory cells (static). Also, the storing of the values in the memory cells helps in determining the interconnections and logic functions that the FPGA implements.
Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs)
CLBs are useful for the implementation of the majority of an FPGA’s logic. Three LUTs (look-up tables) are present and serve as generators for logic functions, two signal steering multiplexers groups, as well as two flip-flops. Furthermore, there are some advanced features the CLB offers. Let’s consider them
Function Generators
Two 16 x 1 tables (G-LUT and F-LUT) are useful for the implementation of generators of 4 input functions, with each delivering a logic implementation of all Boolean functions of about four input signals (G1 to G4 or F1 to F4). Furthermore, when making use of look-up tables, the delay in propagation works independently of the implementation of the function.
A 3rd generator for 3-input function (H-LUT), functions in implementing Boolean functions of three inputs. Programmable multiplexers control 2 of the inputs. Also, these inputs may show up from either the G-LUT or F-LUT outputs. It can also come from the CLB inputs. All the time, the 3rd input comes from an input of the CLB.
Therefore, the CLB has the ability to incorporate some functions of about nine inputs, such as parity checking. Also, you can combine the CLB’s three LUTs to do all five inputs Boolean function that are arbitrarily defined.
Functions of a Configurable Logic Block
With a CLB, you can achieve any of these functions:
- All functions that have about four variables, in addition to a second function that has about four variables that are unrelated, in addition to any other third function that has about three variables that are not related. Note that when you generate three different functions, you must capture one of the outputs of the function into a flip-flop and also internal to the configurable logic block (CLB). Just two generator outputs with unregistered function can be seen from the configurable logic block.
- Any of the five variables’ single function
- Also, any combination of four variables’ function with some of the functions present in six variables
- Lastly, are some functions that can reach nine variables
The implementation of wide functions in one block helps in reducing both the necessary amount of blocks and the signal path delay. This makes both increase in speed and capacity possible.
The configurable logic block function generators are versatile. This is why they can improve the speed of the system significantly. Furthermore, these tools for the design software deal with every function of the generator independently. Its flexibility helps in improving cell usage.
Each configurable logic block features two flip-flops, which are useful in registering the function of the generator outputs.
Furthermore, you can also use the function generators and flip-flops independently. The Configurable logic block input DIN is useful as an input to any of the two flip-flops. Furthermore, the H1 can drive any of the flip-flops through the H-LUT. However, this comes with a little delay.
Also, both flip-flops feature set/reset (SR), clock enable (EC), and common clock (CK) inputs. Internally, you can control the two flip-flops using a GSR (global initialization signal.
Latches (Only for Spartan-XL)
You can also configure the storage elements of the Spartan-XL configurable logic block (CLB) as latches. Both latches feature clock enable (EC) and common clock (K) inputs.
Clock Input
Importantly, you can trigger each of the flip-flops on either the rising or the falling edges of the clock. Furthermore, the two flip-flops share the clock line of the configurable logic block.
Moreover, for each of the flip-flops, you can invert the clock individually. All the inverter placed on the design’s clock line is absorbed in the configurable logic block automatically.
Clock Enable
Here, the line of the clock enable (EC) is high. In a configurable logic block, the two flip-flops share the line of the clock enable. If you disconnect any of them, that flip-flop’s clock enable will default to its active state. Importantly, you cannot invert clock enable within the configurable logic block (CLB). Also, the clock enable is coincident to the clock. Furthermore, it has to satisfy the device’s hold timing and setup.
Set/Reset (SR)
Another is the set/reset line. This is the flip-flop’s active asynchronous high control. You can configure set/reset as either reset or set at each of the flip-flops. With this option for configuration, it helps in determining the state at which each of the flip-flops starts becoming operational immediately after configuration.
Furthermore, it determines the GSR pulse’s effect when normal operation is on, as well as a pulse’s effect on the configurable logic block’s SR line. Also, both flip-flops share this SR line.
If a flip-flop doesn’t specify an SR, then that flip-flop’s set/reset defaults into an inactive state. Importantly, note that you cannot invert SR within the configurable logic block.
Signal Flow Control of the CLB
Asides from the control multiplexers of the H-LUT input, also present are control multiplexers of the signal flow. The latter chooses the signals that drive the inputs of the flip-flop and the combinatorial outputs of the CLB (X and Y).
Furthermore, the flip-flop inputs are driven from a multiplexer (4:1) that chooses from the three outputs of the LUT and DIN as the source of data. You drive every combinatorial output from a multiplexer (2:1). This chooses between two of the outputs of the LUT. You can drive the X output from the H-LUT or F-LUT, and then the Y output also from the H-LUT or G-LUT.
Control Signals
On the configurable logic board, there are 4 multiplexers for signal control. With these multiplexers, you can drive the control signals of the internal CLB from one of the 4 control inputs (general) into the Configurable logic board. Note that you can drive any of the control signals using these inputs.
The four signals for internal control are: Enable Clock (EC), H function generator input, Direct In (DIN), and Set/Reset (SR).
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Devices of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families
There are 100 (one hundred) devices of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families. They are outlined below
XCS40XL-4BG256C XCS40-4PQ208I XCS40XL-3PQ208I
XCS40-4PQ208C XCS40-3PQG208I XCS40-3PQG240C
XCS40-3PQG208C XCS40-3PQ208I XCS40-3PQ240C
XCS40-3PQ208C XCS30XL-TQ144C XCS40-3BG256C
XCS30-5VQG100C XCS30-4TQG144C XCS30-4VQ100C
XCS30-4TQ144C XCS30-3VQ100C XCS30-4PQ208C
XCS30-3TQG144I XCS30-3TQ144I XCS30-3TQG144C
XCS30-3TQ144C XCS30-3PQ240C XCS30-3PQG208C
XCS20-5PQ208C XCS20-4VQ100C XCS20-4VQG100C
XCS20-4TQ144C XCS20-3VQG100C XCS20-4PQ208C
XCS20-3VQ100C XCS20-3TQG144C XCS20-3TQG144I
XCS20-3TQ144I XCS20-3PQG208I XCS20-3TQ144C
XCS20-3PQG208C XCS20-3PQ208C XCS20-3PQ208I
Features of the devices of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families
Features of the XCS40XL-PQ208AKP
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Input (power down)
- Better and effective performance
- Quicker carry logic
- Fast input capture latch
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Configuration for express mode
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
Features of the XCS40XL-5PQ240C
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Input (power down)
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Better and effective performance
- Quicker carry logic
- Fast input capture latch
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Configuration for express mode
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
Features of the XCS40XL-5PQG208C
- Input (power down)
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Quicker carry logic
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Better and effective performance
- Fast input capture latch
- Configuration for express mode
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
Features of the XCS40XL-5PQ208C
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Better and effective performance
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Quicker carry logic
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Input (power down)
- Also present is IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Configuration for express mode
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
Features of the XCS40XL-4PQG240C
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Configuration for express mode
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Better and effective performance
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Quicker carry logic
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Input (power down)
Features of the XCS40XL-5BG256C
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Quicker carry logic
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Configuration for express mode
- Input (power down)
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Better and effective performance
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
Features of the XCS40XL-4PQG208I
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Better and effective performance
- Also present is the initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Quicker carry logic
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Configuration for express mode
- Input (power down)
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
Features of the XCS40XL-4PQ240C
- More flexible clock network with high speed
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Also present is the initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Better and effective performance
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Quicker carry logic
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Input (power down)
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Configuration for express mode
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
Features of the XCS40XL-4PQG208C
- Quicker carry logic
- Input (power down)
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Configuration for express mode
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Also present is the initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Better and effective performance
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
Features of the XCS40XL-4PQ208I
- Advanced Low-Power CMOS NOR Process
- Supply of 3.3V for any low power with a tolerant I/Os of 5V
- Quicker carry logic
- Input (power down)
- 3V and 5V PCI compliant
- Functions over complete Temperature Range for industries (–40 degrees centigrade to +85 degrees centigrade)
- Also present is the initiation of JTAG Command of FPGA Configuration (Standard)
- Capability of latch in logic blocks that are configurable
- Programmable in-System PROMs for Xilinx FPGAs Configuration
- Boundary scan that is enhanced
- Also, there is an optional 2-input or MUX function generator
- Better and effective performance
- Configuration for express mode
- 20,000 Erase/Program Cycles Endurance
- Also, there is a fast input capture latch
- IEEE Standard Boundary-Scan 1149.1/1532 Support for Prototyping, Programming, and Testing
- Output drive of 24 mA or 12 mA
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Applications of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This AI features a combination of datasets as well as computer science to aid in problem solving. This is why the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families include features which help the efficiency of artificial intelligence.
Medical Equipment
High-performance medical equipment features the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families. With these devices, it becomes possible to design more secure and safer medical equipment. Also, they combine high-performance software programmability with other features. Furthermore, this aids in managing complex functions in medical devices.
Wireless Technology
Wireless technology also relies on the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families technology. Importantly, it provides full solutions to anything wireless networking.
5G Technology
The 5G technology also relies on the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families. Also, this technology is a great achievement present in mobile broadband. With these technologies, you get better performance in the Internet of Things. Furthermore, they provide features which help in meeting the rising demands of applications that are data-intensive.
Consumer Electronics
Some consumer electronics function using the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families. You can find their application in mobile phones, as well as computer systems.
Industrial Control
This is a programmable logic controller. Also, other industrial control systems feature the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families. Furthermore, it is available in Control Loop, Intelligent Electronic Device, and more. In addition, when we say industrial control, it includes systems, controls, and networks that aid the operation of industrial processes.
Aerospace and Defense
You can also find the application of the Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families in aerospace and defense. Also, this FPGA offers great features that support some defense and aerospace based systems. Also, they offer solutions to any critical problems present in these industries.
We hope we have been able to clarify and explain what Xilinx Spartan and Spartan-XL FPGA Families are. You can read this article over again to have full grasp of all you need to know.