The electronic industry used discreet logic in the 60’s. Electronics is a complicated field with several electronic components and devices. Therefore, in today’s world, there are several types of Programmable Logic Devices (PLD). These devices include SPLD, FPGA, and CPLD. However, these devices differ in terms of their circuit complexity. Also, the number of logic cells differentiates them.
A CPLD features a few thousand logic gates. Also, it possesses features from both SPLD and FPGA. However, CPLDs are less complicated than FPGAs and more complicated than SPLDs. CPLDs are complex programmable logic devices. Also, they feature multiple SPLD-like blocks on a chip.
The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD is a good example of CPLD. Therefore, this article seeks to discuss the features of the Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD.
Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD – What is it?
The Xilinx XA9500XL automotive CPLD is specifically designed for automotive applications. This CPLD targets automotive applications that demand automotive industrial reconfigurable devices. CPLD simply means complex programmable logic devices. These devices feature several logic blocks. Also, each of these blocks features about 8 to 16 macro cells. Every logic block performs a specific function. Therefore, all macro cells in a logic block must be fully connected.
However, these blocks may not connect to one another based on their use. The xilinx.comXA9500XL automotive CPLD features macro cells with a sum of logic functions. Also, CPLDs featuring a huge number of logic gates may be more preferred. The Xilinx XA9500XL consists of programmable functional blocks (FBs). A global interconnection matrix (GIM) connects the outputs and inputs of these FBs.
This matrix is reconfigurable. Therefore, you can change the contacts between the functional blocks. There are some output and input blocks that unite CPLD to the external world. The programmable functional blocks are like an array of logic gates. However, the Xilinx functional block has a different design. This is because every CPLD manufacturer has a different way of designing the FB.
When considering a CPLD for use in any design, you need to consider some factors. These factors are the I/O capability, function block capability, and programming technology. Also, every XA9500XL device comprises several I/O Blocks and Function Blocks. However, the FastCONNECT II switch matrix fully interconnects these blocks. The I/O blocks offer buffering for device outputs and inputs. Every FB offers programmable logic with inputs and outputs.
Also, the FastCONNECT II Switch matrix connects output and input signals to the FB inputs. The Xilinx XA9500XL is frequently used in cost-sensitive and battery-operated portable devices.
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Power Dissipation in XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
Some factors determine the power dissipation in CPLDs. Therefore, output loading and design application can determine power dissipation. Every macro cell in XA9500XL must be configured for low-power mode. In addition, the default mode for this device is the low-power mode. Furthermore, the software deactivates the unused and product terms to conserve power.
Requirements and Recommendations for Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive
The requirements below are for automotive applications only:
- All automotive users must set the Macro cell Power selection low. Also, ensure you set the Logic Optimization to density during the ISE software design. These settings are default when XA9500XL devices are specifically selected for the design.
- Avoid floating I/O pins when the device is in operation. This is because floating I/O pins can optimize Icc as input buffers. Furthermore, noise can get to the center of the CPLD when you float I/O pins. Therefore, I/O pins must be well terminated with bus-hold. Also, you can configure unused I/Os as programmable GND.
- To power up this device, utilize a fast ramp power supply. A Vcc ramp time < 1 ms is ideal for this purpose.
- Avoid driving I/O pins without powering Vccio or Vcc.
- Use external pull-up resistors always, especially if external termination is necessary. This is because XA9500XL CPLD is likely to have contention with external pull-down resistors. Also, the I/O may not switch as expected.
- Never depend on the I/O states before the configuration of the CPLD
- Avoid driving I/Os pins beyond the Vccio asserted to its I/O bank.
- Attach all Vcc and GND pins to have necessary ground and power supplies around the CPLD
- Utilize a voltage regulator that can offer enough current during device power up. In addition, the regulator must offer more peak current while a CPLD is powering up. Therefore, this will help to assure the success of the CPLD configuration.
- Decouple all Vccio and Vcc pins with 0.1 μF and 0.01 μF capacitors closest to the pins.
- Make sure the external JTAg terminators for TDO, TCK, and others comply with IEEE 1149.1.
The recommendations below are ideal for automotive applications:
- Add JTAG stakes on the PCB. Also, these stakes can help to test the PCB’s parts. Therefore, they are beneficial to the reprogramming part on the circuit board.
- Make use of a strict synchronous design. This design system is broader than an asynchronous
- Simultaneously Switching Outputs (SSOs) should be evenly distributed around the CPLD. In addition, this helps to minimize switching noise.
- Carry out a post-fit simulation for all speeds. Also, this helps to detect potential problems that occur. Problems might occur when you use fast-speed silicon rather than slow-speed silicon.
- Power the internal Vcc before the Vccio for applications that don’t require any glitches from I/Os.
- Ensure you review Fitter report equations. These equations are in ABEL-like format. Also, they can be fully displayed in VHDL or Verilog formats. In addition, the Fitter Report features switch settings. These settings inform you of other device behaviors.
- Pay attention to report file warnings. When compiling, the software will detect possible problems. Therefore, it is important you inspect the report file. This will help you see how your design is on the logic.
- Abort high-speed outputs to get rid of noise resulting from fast falling/rising edges.
- Allow pinouts to be well-defined by design software. Also, Xilinx CPLD software functions better when it chooses the I/O pins for users. In addition, it can enhance pin-locking and spread signals around.
- The Timing report should be well-understood. This report offers a speed summary with a warning. Also, ensure you read the timing file thoroughly. In addition, analyze major signal chains to know the limits to a specific clock(s).
Main Features of Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD family features some characteristics. These characteristics are similar in their devices.
5V Tolerant I/O Pins of XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
The XA9500XL automotive CPLD features 5V tolerant I/O pins that accept 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V signals. The I/Os on every XA9500XL are 5V tolerant. Also, these pins are suitable for level shifting. The 3.3V Vcint power supply must be 1.5V before applying 5V signals to I/Os.
Pin-locking capability
The XA9500XL Automotive CPLD has the ability to lock user pin assignments during design iteration. However, the ability of the architecture to tolerate unexpected changes will determine this capability. XA9500XL features superior pin-locking characteristics with routing switches in FastCONNECT II switch matrix. The pin-locking capability addresses design changes that demand changing internal routing.
In-system Programming
This provides efficient and quick design iterations. Also, it eliminates package handling. In-system programming reduces production programming times. Xilinx offers the programming data sequence with the instructions supported in every device. There are additional instructions in-system programming operations.
IEEE Standard 1149.1 Boundary –Scan (JTAG)
XA9500XL Automotive CPLD fully supports IEEE standard 1149.1 boundary-scan (JTAG). In addition, JTAG pins are exposed to noise.
FastCONNECT II Switch Matrix
This feature connects signals to the inputs in the functional block. All outputs in FB drive the FastCONNECT II matrix. Also, this matrix enables several design iterations without board re-spins.
Function block
Every function block on XA9500XL comprises independent macro cells. Each of these macro cells can implement a combinatorial function. Also, the functional block gets output enable and reset/set signals. This block produces outputs that will drive the FastCONNECT switch matrix. Furthermore, these outputs and their output enable signals to drive the I/O block.
The Design Security of Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
XA9500XL automotive CPLD uses advanced data security features. These features fully shield the programming data against inadvertent device reprogramming. Also, the user can set the read security bits. Therefore, this can prevent the reading of the internal programming pattern. When you set the security bits, they can possess further program operations. However, they enable device erase.
The only way to reset the read security bit is by erasing the whole device. The write security bits offer additional protection against erasure of devices. Also, they prevent reprogramming when JTAG pins work under noise. Once you set them, you can deactivate the write-protection when you need to reprogram the device.
The user can program every macrocell in low-power mode. Also, the critical parts of the application can be in standard power mode. The XA9500XL architecture is uniform in nature. Therefore, it enables a simplified timing model for the whole device. Also, the timing model helps macrocell functions.
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Benefits of Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
CPLDs have a lot of features that make them unique. The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD is ideal for high-performance automotive applications. Below are some benefits of Xilinx XA9500 Automotive CPLD:
- It features a large number of gates that use more complex programs. XA9500XL features tens of thousands of gates
- It is non-volatile in nature. Therefore, this makes it a better secure option.
- It has special logic functions and interconnected feedback paths between the macro cells. Therefore, this makes the logic more modifiable and flexible.
- It uses Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory (EEPROM).
- It is very easy to reprogram at a low cost. Therefore, this minimizes the overall expenses and costs. Also, it improves the time to market a product.
- XA9500XL Automotive CPLD has low maintenance costs. Therefore, it is a great investment in the long run.
- The simple nature of XA9500XL makes it an ideal option in most architecture and design flows. Therefore, it poses little difficulty as regards design adjustments and integration.
- It features a non-volatile configuration memory. Therefore, it can start function after the system boots up.
- It uses advanced data security features. In addition, this protects the programming data against inadvertent device reprogramming.
- It offers a low-power mode for spate macrocells. The user may program every macro cell in a low-power mode.
- XA9500XL has predictable timing characteristics. Also, this is ideal for critical and high-performance automotive applications.
- It is ideal for cost-sensitive applications since it requires small amounts of power.
Application Field of Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
Digital hardware has transformed over the years. Therefore, small digital circuits can be used by implementing PLAs and PALs. The Xilinx XA9500XL automotive CPLD is an integrated circuit widely used in several applications. Designers use this device to implement digital hardware. CPLDs offer distinct features like standby current and great supply voltage. Here, we will discuss where the Xilinx XA9500XL automotive CPLD can be used.
Internet of Things (IoT)
This is a critical application that features XA9500XL Automotive CPLD. The Internet of Things (IoT) is producing an exponential growth of data.
Wireless technology
This is another critical application that incorporates the XA9500XL. Unlike PLDs, this CPLD features a large number of gates. Therefore, this makes them ideal for use in wireless technology.
Medical imaging
The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD is frequently incorporated in medical imaging equipment. These devices are available in X-rays and CT scans. Also, they play a crucial role in these pieces of equipment.
Voice recognition
Recent technologies now use voice recognition. The recognition of a person’s voice is a great technique widely used in security. Therefore, this technique is of great importance. Also, when it comes to voice recognition, CPLD plays a crucial role.
Radio astronomy
This application also uses Xilinx XA9500AXL Automotive CPLD. Radio astronomy studies what occurs in space. It does this by capturing the electromagnetic radiation from space. Therefore, this application requires a large amount of data. In this way, CPLD can be useful.
Other applications of Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD
- It is ideal for use in safety-critical applications.
- Also, you can use Xilinx XA9500XL as address decoders in digital systems.
- This device can serve as bootloaders for FPGAs.
- In addition, it is suitable for use in handheld and portable digital devices.
The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive CPLD Devices
It is specifically designed for high-performance applications that demand automotive industrial devices. The Xilinx XA9500XL Automotive Devices include
XA9572XL-15VQG64Q XA9572XL-15VQG64I XA9572XL-15VQG44Q
XA9572XL-15VQG44I XA9572XL-15TQG100Q XA9572XL-15TQG100I
XA9536XL-15VQG44Q XA9536XL-15VQG44I XA95144XL-15CSG144I
Features of XA9572XL-15VQG64Q
- Comes in small footprint packages
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- Also, it has a system frequency of about 64.5 MHz (15.5 ns)
- Has superior routability and pin-locking with FastCONNECT II switch matrix
- Also, it comprises 5V tolerant I/O pins that accept 5V, 2.5V, and 3.3 V signals
- In-system programmable allows high-system functionality via minimized handling and production programming times
- It has Full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Comprises fast concurrent programming
- It comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- Slew rate control on each output for minimizing EMI production
- Has Bus-hold circuitry which minimizes bus loading and cost related to pull-up resistors
- Also, it has High pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin inputs. Therefore, it minimizes noise on input signals
Features of XA9572XL-15VQG64I
- Comprises fast concurrent programming
- It comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- Slew rate control on each output for minimizing EMI production
- Has Bus-hold circuitry which minimizes bus loading and cost related to pull-up resistors
- Also, it has high pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin inputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Also, it comes in small footprint packages
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- Also, it has a system frequency of about 64.5 MHz (15.5 ns)
- Has superior routability and pin-locking with FastCONNECT II switch matrix
- Also, it comprises 5V tolerant I/O pins that accept 5V, 2.5V, and 3.3 V signals
- In-system programmable allows high-system functionality via minimized handling and production programming times
- Also, it has Full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
Features of XA9572XL-15VQG44Q
- Enables greater system reliability via minimized handling
- Great pin-locking and routability with FastCONNECT
- Also, it has bus-hold circuitry on user pin inputs
- Slew rate control on each outputs minimizes EMI production
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin outputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Also, it comes in small footprint packages
- Has full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- 5V or 3.3V output capability
- Also, it has 5.V tolerant pins that support 2.5V, 5V, and 3.3V signals
- Lower power operation
- Enhanced data security properties
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- High pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- Also, it can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
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Features of XA9572XL-15VQG44I
- V tolerant pins support 2.5V, 5V, and 3.3V signals
- Lower power operation
- Also, it has enhanced data security properties
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- Also, it has high pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- Also, it can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- Slew rate control on each outputs minimizes EMI production
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin outputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Also, it comes in small footprint packages
- Has full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Comes in small footprint packages
- 5V or 3.3V output capability
- Also, it enables greater system reliability via minimized handling
- Great pin-locking and routability with FastCONNECT
- Also, it has bus-hold circuitry on user pin inputs
Features of XA9572XL-15TQG100Q
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- High pinout retention
- Also, it has flexible clocking modes
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- Also, it enables greater system reliability via minimized handling
- Great pin-locking and routability with FastCONNECT
- Also, it has bus-hold circuitry on user pin inputs
- Slew rate control on each outputs minimizes EMI production
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin outputs to minimize noise on input signals
- 5V or 3.3V output capability
- V tolerant pins support 2.5V, 5V, and 3.3V signals
- Comes in small footprint packages
- Also, it has full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Lower power operation
- Also, it has enhanced data security properties
Features of XA9572XL-15TQG100I
- Comes in small footprint packages
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- Also, it has a system frequency of about 64.5 MHz (15.5 ns)
- Has superior routability and pin-locking with FastCONNECT II switch matrix
- Also, it has Bus-hold circuitry which minimizes bus loading and cost related to pull-up resistors
- High pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- Also, it comprises 5V tolerant I/O pins that accept 5V, 2.5V, and 3.3 V signals
- In-system programmable allows high-system functionality via minimized handling and production programming times
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- Slew rate control on each output for minimizing EMI production
- It has Full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Also, it comprises fast concurrent programming
Features of XA9536XL-15VQG44Q
- Has bus-hold circuitry on user pin inputs
- Slew rate control on each outputs minimizes EMI production
- Also, it enables greater system reliability via minimized handling
- Great pin-locking and routability with FastCONNECT
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin outputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Comes in small footprint packages
- Also, it has full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Comes in small footprint packages
- 5V or 3.3V output capability
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- High pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- V tolerant pins support 2.5V, 5V, and 3.3V signals
- Lower power operation
- Also, it has enhanced data security properties
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
Features of XA9536XL-15VQG44I
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin outputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Has bus-hold circuitry on user pin inputs
- Slew rate control on each outputs minimizes EMI production
- Enables greater system reliability via minimized handling
- High pinout retention
- Flexible clocking modes
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- V tolerant pins support 2.5V, 5V, and 3.3V signals
- Great pin-locking and routability with FastCONNECT
- Comes in small footprint packages
- Also, it has full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Comes in small footprint packages
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
- Also, it has enhanced data security properties
- Lower power operation
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- 5V or 3.3V output capability
Features of XA95144XL-15CSG144I
- Has superior routability and pin-locking with FastCONNECT II switch matrix
- Input hysteresis on all boundary-scan pin inputs to minimize noise on input signals
- Also, it comes in small footprint packages
- Can meet electrical specifications over TA=- 40°C to 105°C with TJ maximum
- It has a system frequency of about 64.5 MHz (15.5 ns)
- Also, it has Full IEEE standard for testing in-system device
- Comprises 5V tolerant I/O pins that accept 5V, 2.5V, and 3.3 V signals
- In-system programmable allows high-system functionality via minimized handling and production programming times
- Slew rate control on each output for minimizing EMI production
- Comprises several Function Blocks and I/O Blocks interconnected by FastCONNECT II
- Has Bus-hold circuitry which minimizes bus loading and cost related to pull-up resistors
- High pinout retention
- Also, it comprises fast concurrent programming
- Flexible clocking modes
- 10,000 erase cycles endurance rating
CPLD features several PAL structures referred to as macrocells. All input pins are available for every macrocell. However, every macrocell features a dedicated output pin. The programming of the Xilinx XA9500XL automotive CPLD requires the use of HDLs. This CPLD is ideal for less complex applications since it features a thousand logic gates.
The Xilinx XA9500XL automotive CPLD is suitable for critical control applications. Also, this device loads the configuration data of an FPGA from non-volatile memory.