Altium Designer 13: What You Need to Know

Altium Designer 13 is a powerful software tool for designing printed circuit boards (PCBs). The software features an intuitive interface that allows users to easily create and edit schematics, layout designs, and manufacturing files. With Altium Designer 13, users can quickly and efficiently design complex PCBs with multiple layers, advanced routing capabilities, and a range of other features.

One of the key benefits of Altium Designer 13 is its advanced design rule checking (DRC) capabilities. The software allows users to define custom design rules and constraints, which are then automatically checked during the design process. This helps to ensure that the final PCB design is free from errors and meets all necessary specifications. Additionally, Altium Designer 13 offers a range of other features, including 3D visualization, real-time design synchronization, and support for a wide range of file formats. Overall, Altium Designer 13 is a highly capable and flexible tool for PCB design and is widely used in the electronics industry.


Altium Designer 13 is a powerful and versatile PCB design software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing and managing electronic circuits. It is widely used by engineers and designers in the electronics industry to create complex printed circuit boards with ease.

One of the key features of Altium Designer 13 is its intuitive user interface, which makes it easy to navigate and use. The software also provides a wide range of design tools, including schematic capture, PCB layout, and 3D visualization, allowing users to create detailed and accurate designs.

In addition to its design capabilities, Altium Designer 13 also offers a range of other features that make it a popular choice among electronics designers. These include:

  • Integrated libraries of components and templates, which help to streamline the design process and reduce errors.
  • Support for a wide range of file formats, including Gerber, ODB++, and IPC-2581, making it easy to share designs with other users and manufacturers.
  • Advanced design rule checking and error reporting, which helps to ensure that designs are accurate and meet industry standards.
  • Real-time design synchronization, which allows multiple users to work on the same design simultaneously.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 is a powerful and versatile PCB design software that offers a wide range of features and tools for designing and managing electronic circuits. Whether you are a professional engineer or a hobbyist, it is an excellent choice for creating complex and accurate printed circuit boards.

System Requirements

Before using Altium Designer 13, it is important to ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements. These requirements are necessary to ensure that the software runs smoothly and efficiently.

Operating System

Altium Designer 13 is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 operating systems. It is important to note that the software is only available in a 64-bit version, so a 64-bit operating system is required.

Hardware Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for Altium Designer 13 include a 2 GHz Intel Core i5 processor or equivalent, 8 GB of RAM, and 10 GB of hard drive space. However, it is recommended to have a 3.0 GHz Intel Core i7 processor or equivalent, 16 GB of RAM, and a solid-state drive (SSD) for optimal performance.

Graphics Card

A graphics card with at least 512 MB of video RAM is required for Altium Designer 13. It is recommended to use a graphics card with 2 GB of video RAM for improved performance.

Other Requirements

Altium Designer 13 requires Microsoft Office 2007 or later for the creation of Bill of Materials (BOM) reports. Additionally, a PDF viewer is required to view generated PDF documents.

In conclusion, Altium Designer 13 has specific system requirements that must be met to ensure proper functionality. By ensuring that your computer meets these requirements, you can ensure that you have a smooth and efficient experience while using the software.

Installation Process

The installation process of Altium Designer 13 is a straightforward and user-friendly process. Before installing, ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements, which can be found on the Altium website.

Once you have downloaded the installation file, double-click on it to begin the installation process. You will be prompted to select the language and agree to the license agreement. After that, you can choose the installation directory and select the components you want to install.

Altium Designer 13 offers a variety of components to choose from, including libraries, plugins, and design templates. You can select the components that best suit your needs and preferences.

Once you have selected the components, the installation process will begin. It may take several minutes to complete, depending on the components you have selected and the speed of your computer.

After the installation process is complete, you can launch Altium Designer 13 and begin using it. Overall, the installation process is simple and easy to follow, allowing you to quickly get started with using the software.

New Features

Altium Designer 13 comes with several new features that enhance the design experience and provide more functionality. Some of the new features include:

  • Enhanced Schematic Capture: Altium Designer 13 includes an enhanced schematic capture tool that allows designers to create and edit schematics more efficiently. The tool comes with new features such as enhanced connectivity highlighting, a new component placement system, and an improved user interface.

  • Unified Component Library: Altium Designer 13 has a unified component library that makes it easier to manage components and access information about them. The library includes information such as component parameters, models, and supplier data.

  • Improved PCB Design: The new version of Altium Designer comes with several improvements to the PCB design process. These improvements include a new interactive routing engine, enhanced 3D visualization, and improved design rule checking.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Altium Designer 13 includes enhanced collaboration features that make it easier for teams to work together on a project. The new version comes with a new commenting system that allows team members to leave comments and feedback directly on the design.

  • New Design Rules System: The new design rules system in Altium Designer 13 allows designers to define rules for their designs more efficiently. The system comes with a new user interface that makes it easier to create, edit, and manage design rules.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 comes with several new features that enhance the design experience and provide more functionality for designers. These features make it easier for designers to create and edit schematics, manage components, design PCBs, collaborate with team members, and define design rules.

User Interface

Altium Designer 13 boasts a sleek and intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. The interface is divided into several panels that can be customized to suit the user’s preferences. The main panels include the Design panel, the Library panel, and the Properties panel.

The Design panel is where the user can create, edit, and view the PCB layout. This panel provides a variety of tools and functions that allow the user to manipulate the design elements with ease. The Library panel, on the other hand, provides access to the vast library of components and symbols that can be used in the design. The Properties panel displays the properties of the selected design element and allows the user to modify them.

Altium Designer 13 also features a customizable toolbar that provides quick access to frequently used tools and functions. The toolbar can be easily customized by adding or removing buttons to suit the user’s needs.

The user interface also includes a comprehensive set of shortcut keys that can be used to speed up the design process. These shortcut keys can be customized to suit the user’s preferences.

Overall, the user interface in Altium Designer 13 is well-designed and user-friendly, making it easy for both novice and experienced users to create professional-quality PCB designs.

Schematic Capture

Altium Designer 13 offers a powerful schematic capture tool that allows designers to quickly and easily create and edit electronic schematics. The tool provides a user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and manipulation of components and nets.

One of the key features of the schematic capture tool is its ability to automatically generate a netlist from the schematic. This saves designers a significant amount of time, as they no longer need to manually create a netlist for their design.

Another useful feature of the schematic capture tool is its ability to easily add and modify components. The tool provides a comprehensive library of components that can be easily searched and added to the schematic. Additionally, designers can create their own custom components for use in their designs.

The schematic capture tool also allows for easy net labeling and annotation. Designers can quickly add labels and annotations to their nets, making it easier to understand the function of each net in the design.

Overall, Altium Designer 13’s schematic capture tool provides designers with a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating and editing electronic schematics. With its comprehensive library of components, automatic netlist generation, and easy net labeling and annotation, designers can quickly and efficiently create high-quality schematics for their designs.

PCB Layout

Altium Designer 13 is a powerful tool that allows for easy and efficient PCB layout. The software provides a range of features that make the process of designing and laying out a PCB much simpler, even for those with limited experience.

One of the most useful features of Altium Designer 13 is the ability to create and modify components quickly and easily. The software includes a wide range of pre-built components, but users can also create their own custom components using the schematic editor. Once a component has been created, it can be easily placed on the PCB layout.

Another useful feature of Altium Designer 13 is the ability to easily route connections between components. The software includes an auto-router that can automatically route connections between components, saving time and effort. However, for more complex designs, users can also manually route connections using the interactive routing feature.

Altium Designer 13 also includes a range of tools for analyzing and optimizing the PCB layout. The software includes a Design Rule Checker (DRC) that can identify potential issues with the layout, such as clearance violations or overlapping components. Users can also perform signal integrity analysis to ensure that the layout meets the required specifications.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 is a powerful tool for PCB layout that offers a range of features to simplify the process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer, this software can help you create high-quality PCB layouts quickly and efficiently.

Design Rule Checking

Design Rule Checking (DRC) is a crucial step in the PCB design process. Altium Designer 13 has a powerful DRC system that helps ensure that your design meets all of the necessary requirements. The DRC system checks your design against a set of rules that you define. These rules can include clearance rules, net classes, and trace widths.

The DRC system in Altium Designer 13 is highly customizable. You can define your own rules, or you can use one of the many pre-defined rule sets that are included with the software. The pre-defined rule sets cover a wide range of design requirements, including high-speed design, power delivery, and manufacturing rules.

When you run the DRC system, Altium Designer 13 will generate a report that lists any violations that are found. The report includes detailed information about each violation, including the location of the violation and the rule that was violated. You can use this information to quickly identify and correct any issues in your design.

Altium Designer 13 also includes a real-time DRC feature. This feature checks your design as you work on it, highlighting any violations in real-time. This can be incredibly helpful, as it allows you to catch issues as soon as they occur, rather than waiting until the end of the design process.

In conclusion, the Design Rule Checking feature in Altium Designer 13 is a powerful tool that helps ensure that your design meets all of the necessary requirements. With its customizable rule sets and real-time checking, it can help you catch issues early on in the design process, saving you time and money in the long run.

Output Generation

Altium Designer 13 offers a powerful and flexible set of tools for generating output files. These files can be used for a variety of purposes, including manufacturing, documentation, and collaboration.

One of the key features of the output generation tools in Altium Designer 13 is the ability to customize the output format to meet your specific needs. This includes the ability to specify the file type, page size, orientation, and more. You can also add custom headers, footers, and other information to the output files.

Another useful feature of the output generation tools is the ability to generate output files for multiple projects at once. This can save you a significant amount of time and effort, especially if you are working on multiple projects simultaneously.

Altium Designer 13 also includes a number of built-in output templates, which can be used as a starting point for your own custom output files. These templates cover a wide range of output formats, including Gerber files, NC drill files, BOM files, and more.

Overall, the output generation tools in Altium Designer 13 are powerful, flexible, and easy to use. Whether you are generating output files for manufacturing, documentation, or collaboration, Altium Designer 13 has everything you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Libraries and Components

Altium Designer 13 provides a comprehensive library management system that allows users to easily manage and organize their component libraries. The software comes with a large number of pre-built libraries, including schematic symbols, PCB footprints, 3D models, and simulation models. Users can also create their own custom libraries and share them with others.

The component management system in Altium Designer 13 allows users to easily search and browse through their libraries. Users can quickly find the components they need by searching by keyword, part number, or manufacturer. The software also provides advanced filtering options, allowing users to filter components by type, value, package, and more.

Altium Designer 13 also includes a powerful component editor that allows users to create and modify their own components. The component editor provides a wide range of tools and features, including a visual editor for schematic symbols, a 3D model editor, and a simulation model editor. Users can also import components from other libraries or create new components from scratch.

In addition to the component management system, Altium Designer 13 also includes a comprehensive schematic capture tool that allows users to easily create and edit schematics. The software provides a wide range of schematic symbols and templates, making it easy to get started with a new design. Users can also customize their schematic templates and symbols to meet their specific needs.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 provides a powerful and comprehensive library and component management system that makes it easy for users to manage and organize their component libraries. With its advanced filtering options, powerful component editor, and comprehensive schematic capture tool, Altium Designer 13 is an excellent choice for designers looking for a complete PCB design solution.

Design Collaboration

Altium Designer 13 offers a range of features that make it easier to collaborate with other designers and stakeholders. The software enables real-time collaboration between team members, allowing them to work together on a design project from different locations.

One of the key features of Altium Designer 13 is its ability to manage design data in a centralized location. This makes it easier for team members to access and share design files, reducing the risk of version control issues. The software also provides a range of tools for managing design reviews, allowing team members to provide feedback and make changes to the design in real-time.

Altium Designer 13 also supports collaboration with external partners and vendors. The software enables users to share design data with external stakeholders securely, ensuring that confidential information remains protected. The software also supports collaboration with manufacturing partners, enabling users to share design files and manufacturing data to ensure that the final product meets the required specifications.

In addition to these collaboration features, Altium Designer 13 also provides a range of tools for managing project workflows. The software enables users to track the progress of a project, assign tasks to team members, and monitor project milestones. This makes it easier to manage complex design projects and ensure that they are completed on time and within budget.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 provides a range of features that make it easier to collaborate with team members, external partners, and vendors. The software’s centralized design management tools, real-time collaboration features, and project workflow management tools make it an ideal choice for organizations looking to improve their design collaboration processes.


In conclusion, Altium Designer 13 is a powerful and versatile software tool that can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of electronic design projects. With its intuitive user interface and extensive library of components, Altium Designer 13 makes it easy to create complex schematics and PCB layouts.

One of the standout features of Altium Designer 13 is its ability to seamlessly integrate with other design tools and software platforms. This makes it an ideal choice for engineers and designers who need to collaborate with other team members or integrate their designs into larger systems.

Another key advantage of Altium Designer 13 is its advanced design rule checking capabilities. This feature ensures that designs meet industry standards and best practices, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall design quality.

Overall, Altium Designer 13 is a reliable and powerful tool for electronic design projects. Its extensive feature set, intuitive interface, and advanced design rule checking capabilities make it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced designers alike.

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