Arduino PCB and Its Impact in Today’s Electronics

The PCB industry is a vast one. There are various types of printed circuit boards. Each of these boards is specifically designed to meet certain purposes. PCBs serve as the building block of most electronic devices in the world.

Arduino PCB – What is it?

An Arduino PCB is specifically designed for building electronics projects. This board features microcontrollers and IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Arduino is usually an open-source platform that is gaining popularity among beginners in the electronics industry. The Arduino can load new code on a board without requiring separate hardware. A USB cable can help you load new code.

Furthermore, the IDE makes use of a version of C++. This makes it much easier to learn programming. The Arduino platform offers a standard form factor that transforms the microcontroller into an accessible package.

The Arduino software and hardware is for people interested in designing interactive objects. It is ideal for designers, artists, and newbies. Arduino is capable of interacting with GPS units, LEDs, and the internet. The Arduino hardware and software are much easier to learn. Therefore, many users have designed instructions for various projects on Arduino.

You will find the Arduino in several applications like robotics. Arduino boards serve as the foundation of some electronics projects. Arduino is a small circuit board ideal for simple electronic projects. Also, you can do it for more complex projects by joining a few.

What Makes Up the Arduino PCB Board?

There are various types of Arduino boards. Each of these boards serves different purposes. However, these boards share similar components. So, what components are on custom Arduino PCB boards?

Power LED Indicator

This is a tiny LED on the board. It lights up whenever the Arduino connects to a power source. This light won’t come on if something is wrong. So, if you notice this, please recheck the board.

Voltage regulator

This is an important component on the Arduino PCB board. The voltage regulator controls the voltage amount that comes into the Arduino PCB board. It is like a gatekeeper. The voltage regulator diverts extra voltage from the circuit board. Extra voltage can cause harm to the circuit. This component has its limits. Therefore, avoid connecting your Arduino to any device beyond 20 volts.

USB/ Barrel Jack

Arduino PCBs need a power source. You can power the Arduino UNO from a USB cable or a power supply cut off in a barrel jack. Also, the USB connection is a way to load code onto the Arduino PCB board.

Main IC

The integrated circuit is the brain of the Arduino PCB. The main IC can vary based on the type of Arduino board. It is an important component on the Arduino PCB board. It is important to know the type of IC that suits your board type. You will see this information on the top side of the IC. Also, you can know the difference between IC’s by reading the datasheets.


The Arduino circuit board features many pins. These pins help you to connect wires. Pins feature black plastic ‘headers’ that enable you to plug a wire into the board. The Arduino PCB features different kinds of pins. Each of these pins has a label.  Also, these pins perform different functions. For instance, there are many GND pins on the Arduino PCB. These pins help to ground a circuit.


RX refers to receive while TX refers to transmit. You will see these marking on some electronics. They help to indicate the pins for serial communication. The RX and TX appear in two different places on the Arduino UNO. The LEDs on the TX and RX serve as a visual indication when the Arduino is transmitting or receiving data.

Crystal oscillator

This provides the Arduino circuit board the ability to track time. Also, the crystal oscillator can produce serial communication signals and pulse width modulation. Also, the Arduino board can carry out binary instructions at 16 Mhz. This is because the crystal oscillator features 16 Mhz.

Types of Arduino Circuit Boards

The Arduino family is a large one. It comprises different types of boards. Each of these boards performs different functions. It is important to know which of these boards is suitable for your project. ‘

LilyPad Arduino

Leah Buechley developed the  LilyPad Arduino PCB. Lilypad is an e-textile technology. Each Lilypad was specifically made with big connecting pads. Also, it features a flat back that enables textile manufacturers to sew them into textiles with conductive thread. Also, LilyPad features its family of sensor boards, output, input, and power.

Arduino Leonard

This is the first development board of Arduino to utilize a microcontroller with an in-built USB. This board handles USB directly. Therefore, there are code libraries that enable the board to copy a computer mouse, keyboard, and more.


The redboard is very reliable and simple. You can use the Arduino IDE to program the RedBoard over a USB Mini-B cable. This board will function well on Windows 8 without changing the security settings. Since it features a USB/FTDI chip, it is more stable. Also, it has a flat back, which makes embedding much easier on projects.

Arduino Uno (R3)

This is an ideal choice for beginners. The Arduino Uno PCB is simple and it features everything you need to begin your project. This board has got 14 digital output/ input pins. Arduino Uno features everything that helps to support the microcontroller.

Arduino Mega (R3)

This is similar to the Arduino Uno PCB. The Arduino Mega features several digital output/input pins. You can simply use a USB cable to connect it to a computer. Also, you can power it with a battery to begin your project. Arduino Mega is very useful for projects that need some digital outputs or inputs.

Types of Pins on the Arduino PCB Board

The Arduino circuit board features several pins. These pins serve different functions.


These pins function as normal digital pins. However, you can use them for something like Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM).  Also, these pins can simulate analog output.


Digital pins can serve as digital output and digital input. It can power an LED and also indicate if a button is pushed.


This means Analog Reference. AREF can help to set external reference voltage. This voltage ranges between 0 and 5 volts as the higher limit for the analog input pins.


Analog pins can detect and interpret the signal from an analog sensor. For instance, it can read temperature sensors and transform it into a value you can read.

3.3v and 5v

The 3.3v pin provides 3.3 volts of power while the 5V pin offers 5 volts of power. The majority of the simple components in Arduino can function without 3.3 or 5 volts.

Arduino Shield PCB

The Arduino shield PCB is a pre-built board placed on top of Arduino boards. This shield offers additional functions like:

  • It controls motors
  • Offers cellular or wireless communication
  • Controls an LCD screen

What can the Arduino Uno PCB do?

The Arduino Uno is a well-known board in the Arduino family. It is a good choice for beginners. The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller that utilizes the ATmega328. This board is mostly used by engineers. Arduino UNO PCB is widely used for electronics projects. It features a bug fix in its design which makes it ideal for the project’s use.

This board is more preferred to other Arduino boards. This is because you can use a USB port to easily connect it to other computer systems. Also, it can supply power to the board and can function as a serial device. Arduino Uno PCB can receive a power supply from a DC adaptor with a voltage of 12V.

The pins in this board can function for a constant supply of 5V. The analog and digital pins can help to adjust the voltage supply in the PCB. The Arduino UNO PCB can interact with other devices like Bluetooth and motor control. Also, this board is very affordable. Its price is the lowest when compared to other Arduino products.

Features of Arduino Uno PCB

  • It has a USB interface support that allows it to function as a serial device. Also, this helps the board to connect to other interfaces. The USB interface offers a power supply to the board.
  • Arduino Uno PCB is an open-source tool. It enables a large number of users to utilize the board.
  • It regulates the amount of power supply on the board. You can connect it with other power supplies without the need for external power.
  • There are six analog and thirteen digital pins on this board. These pins help the Arduino board connect the hardware. These pins can also help to increase the board’s capability.
  • Arduino Uno PCB features a 32 KB size flash memory that helps to store data.
  • There is one reset button that restarts the program on the board.
  • The microcontroller in this board is very easy to use. Arduino Uno PCB features other components like timers and PWM pins.
  • The pins function as an oscillator that features a frequency of about 16 MHz. However, this doesn’t influence the speed of the microcontroller.
  • There is only one LED inboard that makes you debug easily and also find the bugs.

Arduino Programming Languages

C++ represents the Arduino code. This is a human-readable language. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a text editing program for Arduino programming. The IDE helps you write and upload projects into an Arduino circuit board.  The Arduino Web Editor is an online version. This software enables you to store your creations using the cloud. Arduino supports a language known as Arduino language. Also, it supports other programming languages.

The IDE is a program that makes learning a programming language easy. However, you can use a different approach to programming since there are different coding languages. Below are different programming languages Arduino supports.


This program provides a great experience for Arduino users. Snap4Arduino features an understated UI and focuses less on whistles and bells. This program needs StandardFirmata when installing on the Arduino. If the Arduino IDE is already on your computer, you can easily sort it out.


Arduino is a special program that is welcoming to newbies. ArduBlock is ideal for people who don’t have much experience. You can use the same selection of functions to construct a program visually. This program is very easy to download. ArduBlock runs as an overlay to the Arduino IDE.


If you need an easy way to communicate with a computer, serial communication is perfect. The CmdMessenger can inspect Arduino sketches and code with it in a different language.

Applications of Arduino PCB Board

The Arduino PCB board is ideal for use in several applications. It is necessary to connect computers to devices. Arduino is a well-known company that specializes in both software and hardware. The Arduino Uno PCB functions as a digital device to regulate the operations of a piece of equipment. Below are applications of Arduino PCB board:


The Arduino circuit board is great for robotics projects. This board can provide basic commands a robot requires to function. Also, Arduino gets rid of any interference from other programs in the background.

Audio systems

There has been development in sound quality from time to time. Sound quality is one of the drivers of innovations. It is unfortunate that Arduinos can’t process good audio. However, Arduino PCB boards can provide your projects with an audio element.

Medical system

The medical industry has continued to experience more development. For instance, 3D printing has impacted the medical industry. Although machines can’t replace doctors, they can carry out some functions. Some medical devices feature Arduino hardware and software.

Internet of Things

The increase of the Internet of Things is a big trend. Internet of Things (IoT) are physical objects designed to get instructions via the Internet. They can help you get a task done with just simple instruction. IoT projects feature Arduinos.


Arduinos can have several components. They are an open-source hardware and software platform. Arduinos help to design and build electronics projects. Also, they are a budget-friendly solution when compared with other microcontrollers. This article focused on the essential facts about Arduino boards.

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